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Name: Desmond Lewis
Age: 23
Bio: Desmond is the calmer of the two employees at "Grounds For Insanity." He is the Yang to Isaac's out of control Yin. Desmond has a passion for card games (especially Magic: The Gathering), first-person shooters, and science fiction. A self-proclaimed nerd, Desmond has been known to camp outside movie theatres for tickets since, as he says, "Internet tickets are for whimps." Desmond is feircly loyal to the "Star Wars" Saga, once having been kicked out of a theatre during a "Special Edition" marathon for making a fuss over the "Greedo shoots first" controversy.
At first reluctant to open the store, Desmond has since warmed up to the idea and now enjoys running "Grounds For Insanity." Unfortunately, most of his time is occupied keeping keeping Isaac out of trouble (or getting him out of it).
Desmond's ears are a mystery to everybody and even he may not know their significance.
Personal Quote: "Think again, Isaac. Think again."
Name: Isaac Quinn
Age: 25
Bio: Isaac is a hyperactive, paranoid, pop-culture junkie with a ballant disregard for his non-existant common sense. A rabid anime collector, Isaac is known around local conventions as "The cosplay freak" and will often show up on the opening night of a movie in costume. A hard-core gamer, Isaac's game playing is only limited by his work and meagre budget. His gaming preferences include RPGs, RTS, and FPS. He is also a Nintendo fanboy, having once left them for X-Box after being disgusted by "Windwaker." However, after seeing the previews for "Twilight Princess," his faith in Nintendo has been restored and he recently purchased a DS. He also has a fascination with ninjas, resulting in his large collection of shuriken, kunai, and other ninja tools which Desmond continually tries to get rid of.
After being kicked out of the appartement he shared with Desmon, Isaac found an abandonned store and decided to open his own comic book shop. Having no idea whatsoever on how to operate a buisiness, Isaac leaves most of the management of "Grounds For Insanity" to Desmond. He usually works the till, making snide comments as he marvels at the stupidity of most customers. He shares a deep loathing for the "Yu-Gi-Oh!" card game with Desmond, which is why their store carries none of its merchandise.
Personal Quote: "You mean we actually have to pay to stay in this dump?"
Grounds For Insanity is copyright (c) 2005 Arrathir. All rights reseved. I do not own any of the copyrighted products depicted in this comic.
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